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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Our trip to Imperial College to learn robotics

We built our very own robots and programmed them to follow instructions.




1. Reading can help prevent Alzheimer’s.

2. Being a reader means you’re more likely to learn something new every day.

3. People who read are more likely to vote, exercise, and be more cultural.

4. Reading can be therapeutic.

5. Reading enhances your memory

6. Reading actually does make you seem more interesting

7. Reading helps to boost your analytical thinking.

8. Reading expands your vocabulary, so you’ll sound like a genius.

9. Fiction books increase your ability to empathize with others.

10. People who read are more likely to get ahead when it comes to their careers and life in general.

So what is there to loose?! We would like you to take on the challenge and get reading! Books are a great place to start but are not the only options. You can read newspapers, articles you find on the internet, cookbooks - the list is endless. Why not keep a list of the books that you have read (see if you can top Mrs Thompson's monthly average of 8  books!)

We will be using Google classroom to post your weekly homework. Homework every week will be spellings and times tables practise. It is your responsibility to make sure you check the classpages for your work and let your teacher know if you have any problems - the morning of your spelling test is too late for us to help you. From time to time you may have a small additional task to do.

PE will be on a Thursday so please make sure you are wearing the correct PE kit.


Below are a few links to help you with your learning.

Times Tables


Number Facts

Multiply and divide by 10, 100 or 1000
